Is your pain or health condition holding you back?

Exercise can help with that.


At KinetEx, we understand how important movement is for health.

That’s why we believe that exercise should be accessible for all - regardless of current health, age, gender or exercise history. KinetEx offers safe and personalised exercise prescriptions to cater to the needs of each and every individual.

KinetEx movement for health

We keep health simple, by taking a ‘lifestyle’ approach to your health. We want you to regain control of your own health in the little things you do everyday, through your diet, sleep, stress management, and of course, exercise. And we are here to support you every step of the way.



Exercise Prescription

Chronic Health Conditions

Do you have specific health considerations that are holding you back from living life to the fullest? Are you looking for a natural way to combat the symptoms and improve health?

About KinetEx

Where it all began!

Meet Yolanda, the face behind KinetEx, and learn more about what exactly Clinical Exercise Physiology is!


Office Ergonomics

Do you get to the end of the working day feeling tense? When was the last time that you had your workstation adjusted to fit you?